Email: 270250@nau.edu.cn
邮 编:211815
2004.09-2009.06南京大学数学系(硕博连读) 博士
2000.09-2004.06安徽大学数学系 本科
2024.12-至今 南京审计大学统计与数据科学学院 教授
2017.06-2024.12南京审计大学统计与数据科学学院 副教授
2016.07-2017.06南京审计大学理学院 讲师
2011.10-2015.09东南大学数学系 博士后
2010.07-2010.09香港中文大学地理与资源管理系 访问学者
2009.12-2010.02香港中文大学地理与资源管理系 访问学者
2009.09-2016.06东南大学 讲师
[3] 2018-2019年“学生评教奖”
[4] 2019-2020学年“南审好试卷”
[2] 2018-2019学年“吾爱吾师”—我最喜爱的老师
[4] 2019届校级优秀本科毕业论文(指导教师)
[1] 2016第二届全国应用统计专业学位研究生案例大赛教学成果奖二等奖
[2] 2014第十三届江苏省统计科研优秀成果一等奖(排名第四)
[3] 2014东南大学教育基金会奖教金
[4] 2013东南大学青年教师授课竞赛三等奖
[5] 2010东南大学首开课优秀奖
[1] 相依时空数据分析方法及其在环境污染数据中的应用研究(17CTJ016),全国哲学社会科学规划办,20万,2017.06-2021.05,已结项。
[2] 复杂相关结构时空模型的非参数估计与预测(11301073),国家自然科学基金委,23万,2014.01-2016.12,已结项。
[3] 江苏房地产发展情况空间统计分析,江苏省统计局,0万,2014.12-2015.05,已结项。
[4] 南京市人口中长期预测分析,南京市统计局,2万,2016.10-2017.01,已结项。
[5] 无锡市数字经济规模及贡献率研究(SJPKT001),无锡市统计局,3万,2019.12-2020.06,已结项。
[1] 汪红霞, 罗学洪, 林金官, 唐星(2021). 误差分布未知下时空模型的自适应非参数估计. 数学年刊, 42(2): 125-148.
[2] 汪红霞, 林金官, 黄性芳(2021). 时空模型的局部众数回归. 中国科学: 数学, 51(4): 615-630.
[3] 汪红霞,唐星,许佩蓉、董秋丽(2021). 环境补贴对区域创新能力的作用效果及影响机制-基于空间溢出的研究视角[J].统计学报, 2(4): 53-66.
[4] Yanyong Zhao,Jianquan Li,Hognxia Wang*(通讯作者),Honghong Zhao, Xueping Chen(2021). Efficient estimation in heteroscedastic single-index models, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics (SCI, 中科院分区4区), 33(2): 273-298.(SCI)
[5] Haiyan Du, HongxiaWang, Zhilai Chi, Na Song, Changhui Wang , Huacheng Xua(2021). Burst of hydroxyl radicals in sediments derived by flooding/drought transformation process in Lake Poyang, China, Science of the Total Environment (SCI, 中科院分区1区), 772 (2021) 145059.(SCI)
[1]汪红霞, 罗学洪, 林金官. 收入不平等、技术进步与空气污染—基于污染厌恶弹性效用模型的研究[J].统计学报, 2020, 1(1): 71-81.
[2] 瞿肖怡, 陆萍, 汪红霞, 冯翠莲. R&D投入对中国传统制造业转型升级影响的实证分析[J].统计与决策, 2020, 5: 120-123.
[3] 孔新兵, 蒯强, 汪红霞. 高维L1稳健因子分析及其在宏观经济预测中的应用[J].吉林工商学院学报, 2020, 35(6): 5-12+74.
[4] 韩忠成,林金官,汪红霞. 基于局部多项式展开的多元非参数模型贝叶斯带宽选择[J].数理统计与管理2020(1):93-103.
[1]Yan-Yong Zhao, Jin-Guan Lin, Xing-Fang Huang & Hong-Xia Wang. Iterative weighted estimation based on variance modelling in linear regression models, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2019, 48(9): 2599–2614. (SCI)
[2] 郝红霞, 林金官, 汪红霞. 杠杆效应检验的一种新方法[J]. 应用概率统计, 2019, 35(5):453-468.
[3] 郝红霞,林金官, 汪红霞. GARCH模型的贝叶斯局部影响分析及其应用[J]. 数理统计与管理, 2019, 38(4): 602-618.
[4] Xingcai Zhou, Beibei Ni, Hongxia Wang, Xingfang Huang (2019). Berry-Esseen bounds for wavelet estimator in time-varying model with censored dependent data, Mathematica Slovaca, 69(5): 1213–1232. (SCI)
[1] Xuejun Wang*, Mengmei Xi, Hongxia Wang(汪红霞)and Shuhe Hu, On Consistency of LS Estimators in the Errors-in-Variable Regression Model, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 2018, 32, 144-162. (SCI) c, 755-767. (EI)l Society, 45(
[2] 林金官, 郝红霞,汪红霞. 基于拟似然方法的股票收益与波动率关系及其应用研究[J].统计研究, 2018, 35(5): 99-109.
[3]Yan-Yong Zhao, Jin-Guan Lin, Xu-Guo Ye, Hong-Xia Wang(汪红霞), Xing-Fang Huang, Two-stage orthogonality based estimation for semiparametric varying-coefficient models and its applications in analyzing AIDS data, Biometrical Journal, 2018, 60(1), 79-99. (SCI)
[4] Hong-Xia Hao, Jin-Guan Lin, Xing-Fang Huang, Hong-Xia Wang(汪红霞), Yan-Yong Zhao, Estimation and application of semiparametric stochastic volatility models based on kernel density estimation and hidden Markov models, Applied Stochastic Models in Business & Industry, 2018(2), DOI: 10.1002/asmb.2305. (SCI)
[5] Zhao, Y.Y., Lin, J.G.*, Huang, X.F. & Wang, H.X.(2018). Iterative weighted estimation based on variance modelling in linear regression models. Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2018.1458136. (SCI)
[1] HongxiaWang*(汪红霞), Yuehua Wu and Elton, Chan, Efficient Estimation of Nonparametric Spatial Models with General Correlation Structures, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 2017, 59(2), 215-233. (SCI)
[2] Yan-Yong Zhao, Jin-Guan Lin*, Hong-Xia Wang(汪红霞), Xing-Fang Huang, Jump-detection-based estimation in time-varying coefficient models and empirical applications, Test, 2017, 26(3), 574-599. (SCI)
[3] Yanyong Zhao, Jinguan Lin and HongxiaWang(汪红霞), Robust Bootstrap Estimates in Heteroscedastic Semi- varying Coefficient Models and Applications in Analyzing Australia CPI Data, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2017, 46(4), 2638-2653. (SCI)
[4] Xue-Ping Chen, Jin-Guan Lin∗, Hong-Xia Wang(汪红霞), Xing-Fang Huang, Designs containing partially clear main effects, Statistics and Probability Letters,2017, 121(2), 12-17. (SCI)
[5] Zhong-Cheng Han, Jin-Guan Lin*, Hong-Xia Wang(汪红霞), Xing-Fang Huang, A Robust And Efficient Estimation Method For Nonparametric Models with Jump Points, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2017,46(8), 6283-6297. (SCI)
[6] 陈雪平、林金官、黄性芳、汪红霞,区组大小不等的主效应设计,中国科学,2017, 47(6), 765-778。
[1] Hongxia Wang*(汪红霞), Jinguan Lin and Jinde Wang, Nonparametric Spatial Regression with Spatial Autoregressive Error Structure, Statistics, 1, 60-75, 2016. (SCI)
[2] Hong-Xia Hao, Jin-Guan Lin∗, Hong-Xia Wang(汪红霞), Xing-Fang Huang, Bayesian case influence analysis for GARCH models based on Kullback–Leibler divergence, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 2016, 45(4), 595-609. (SCI)
[3] Yanyong Zhao, Jinguan Lin*, Xingfang Huang and HongxiaWang(汪红霞), Adaptive jump-preserving estimates in varying-coefficient models, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2016, 149(4), 65-80. (SCI)
[4] Han Z C , Lin J G , Wang H X , et al. A Robust And Efficient Estimation Method For Nonparametric Models with Jump Points, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 2016 46(8). (SCI)
[1] Hongxia Wang *(汪红霞), Jinguan Lin and Jinde Wang, Local Linear Estimation for Spatiotemporal Models Based on Least Absolute Deviation. Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods, 44:7, 1508-1522, 2015. (SCI)
[2] Jinguan Lin*, Yanyong Zhao. and Hongxia Wang(汪红霞), Heteroscedasticity diagnostics in varying-coefficient partially linear regression models and applications in analyzing Boston housing data, Journal of Applied Statistics, 2015, 42(11), 2432-2448. (SCI)
[3] Xueping Chen, Jinguan Lin*, Jianfeng Yang. and Hongxia Wang.(汪红霞), Construction of main-effect plans orthogonal through the block factor, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2015, 106(11), 58-64. (SCI)
[4] Yu Long and Hongxia Wang*(汪红霞), The Optimal Chosen of Bandwidth of Local Linear Fitting Method,Proceedings of the 7th High-Level Forum on Applied statistics and Management Engineering,August 17-21, Rizhao, 2015, 755-767.
[1] Hongxia Wang* (汪红霞) and Jinde Wang, Local Linear Regression for Non-grid Spatiotemporal Models with Autoregressive Errors, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 2013, 42(23), 4259-4275. (SCI)
[2] Renrong Jiang, Hongxia Wang(汪红霞), Bo Huang and Gao Guo, An Improved Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model with a Novel Weight Matrix, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on GeoComputation, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. 23 to 25 May 2013. http://www.geocomputation.org/2013/
[1] Hongxia Wang*(汪红霞), Jinde Wang and Bo Huang, Prediction for Spatiotemporal Models with Autoregression in Errors, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2012, 24(1), 217-244. (SCI)
[1] Wang, H.* and Wang, J., Estimation of the trend function for spatio-temporal models. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 21(5), 567-588, 2009.(SCI)